– After Hours Dentistry –

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Our Team



Dr. Nora Tadi

Dr. Joseph Ayitey-Adjin Jr. aka “DR. JOE”

We could say so much about Dr. Joe; everyone loves him! He graduated with his Doctorate of Dental Medicine from Boston University Goldman School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Joe is happy and gives “positive vibes” to all he encounters. He is extremely skilled in all dentistry but extractions of any kind are his favorite, and there is no question he’s incredible. He is both humble and confident and quick to turn the attention off of himself and onto anyone else around.



If our patients are happy, Holly is happy.



Melissa “Assistant”

Melissa has been an assistant for 9 years and has been with After Hours since right after we opened over five years ago. She has been a big part of our office and we have loved building this team together. When I asked her what her life motto was this was her reply. “The motto I live by is in spanish but it’s similar to “what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger”. One of the many things that I love about after hours is that patients (most patients) leave pain free and even smiling because of their experience with us. I love her response because it confirms what we already knew about Melissa, she cares. She cares about her teammates and every patient that walks through our doors.

Dani “Assistant”

Dani has been an assistant for going on nine years. She has done almost everything in dentistry, and her skillset proves that. Her motto is, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” She isn’t wrong, and how she treats people reflects that she does her best to live by it. She is well-loved by everyone she interacts with, both patients and other team members. Elyssia has also been with us from the start, and even though she is taking college courses, she still gives us the time she can because she loves helping others in need.

Kristin “Assistant”

Kristin is amazing and while she is still pretty new to us, we are so grateful for her. Her energy is fantastic and she works hard and fast. You’ll rarely catch her sitting down and if you do she’s probably going crazy. Our office wouldn’t be the same without her and our patients feel fast at ease with her.